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Web Artistry by Lori White © 2010 - to current


This Method is probably the most popular used method, it can be used for ducks as well as chickens.

 Please understand this is not a guarantee!!

In this method, please refer to CARE FOR SHIPPED eggs in Method ONE, if these eggs are from your own flock you are ready to start development.

Wether you have a turner or without a turner, you place your eggs in your Bator, keep your temp at 99 to 100 for Air incubators and 101 to 102 for Still incubators. Your humidity should be set at 50 to 55 percent from day one UP to three days before hatching day.  Mist your Duck eggs at least once a day!

Either hand turn them three times or more a day or let the turner do the work for you.

Three days before your hatching date raise that humidity up to about 60 to 65 percent, there’s no need to sponge/misting your duck eggs at this time.  Now the waiting game, if all goes well and there wasn’t any issues during this process, you should have lots of babies that want to meet you.

If you are having problems with maintaining the temp, try covering half of your incubator with a towel, a shirt or even a blanket.  Avoid covering the electronic parts or covering up any holes that you may have opened..

If humidity is an issue, place a cup of water inside with a paper towel or a sponge in the water, add as many cups of water as you need to keep the humidity up.  

Please remember to at least give your eggs 24 hours in the incubator before making any adjustments.  The eggs will change your settings so it’s best to wait until they have reached the same temperature as the incubator..

By chance that your electric goes out in your area, DON”T panic, covering the entire Bator to keep as much heat in as possible is the best way to handle it… or transporting them in the Bator to a place that has electric until your comes back on, we have used our back up generator…  The eggs themselves can hold heat in pretty good so no need to panic if the electric goes out for a few hours or so.. I have actually sat an egg on our dinner room table for 3 days not knowing one of my hens had starting sitting on it and he was in the process of developing.

Yes, I popped him in the bator and he did make it. LOL

I hope some of these tips will help you in having a better hatching rate, it has worked for me pretty well, Thank you for stopping by and taken the time to read all of this, if you have ANY questions or problems please email at lwbarhouses@gmail.com

Happy Hatching!!!!